
Are you an established translator or interpreter looking to take your business to the next level? You’re the reason we’re here!

Next Level supports translators and interpreters with five or more years of experience as they seek to achieve their business goals. We provide information for both freelancers and company owners to use in all aspects of their careers, from improving their privacy protections to planning for retirement.

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Breaking Into Book Translation

By Next Level | June 5, 2024
Breaking into book translation

Recently, a colleague with ample translation experience contacted me with some questions about breaking into book translations. For freelance translators, fiction and non-fiction books present an opportunity to expand our offer and to learn about the publishing business. Our exchange focused on the business end, not the challenges of the translation itself. “Book translation” can be as small as a few hundred words for a children’s book to a thick novel or textbook. Subject: Questions from a “newbie” Dear JT – […] As an ATA colleague, I’m reaching out to you to get some information about the following situation. I’ve…

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Narrowing Down, When You Want to Do Everything

By Next Level | May 15, 2024
Narrowing down when you want to do everything

This post is a reblog, originally published on the Training for Translators blog. It is republished here with permission of the author. How to narrow down, when you want to do everything? I don’t think I’m the only freelancer with this characteristic (I refuse to call it a problem, it’s just a characteristic!). I always tell my family that my…

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Adding New Services and Admitting I Was Wrong

By Next Level | May 1, 2024
Adding new services and admitting I was wrong

From the Next Level team: At some point in their professional lives, many linguists consider adding a new service to their portfolio. A major change like adding an entirely new line of work can seem daunting and potentially disastrous, but what if it’s successful? In this week’s post, Anne Connor discusses how she took up a former service and made…

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The Case Against Raising Your Translation Rates In 2024 (and why it doesn’t hold water)

By Next Level | April 3, 2024
Raising translation rates in 2024

This post is an updated version of article that originally appeared on the LION Translation Academy blog. It is published here with permission of the author. In the ever-evolving landscape of professional language services, new technologies such as neural machine translation (NMT) and generative AI (genAI) have inevitably sparked debates about how we should be pricing our services. Many freelancers…

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Managing Your Freelance Client Portfolio

By Next Level | March 20, 2024
Managing Your Freelance Client Portfolio

This post is a reblog, originally published in the Slator Tool Box. It is reprinted here with permission of the author. An agency that occasionally gets in touch sends me an email with four image files attached. Taken with a phone, the pictures show separate pages of a medical patient record. No attempt has been made to redact personal data,…

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Oh BOI, oh BOI! New Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements for Small (and Large) Businesses

By Next Level | March 6, 2024
Oh BOI Oh BOI New Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements for Small (and Large) Businesses

BOI is short for Beneficial Ownership Information, meaning, information about who actually owns or controls a company. On January 1, 2024 a new Federal regulation went into effect in the US that requires many companies to report this information to FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a bureau of the US Department of the Treasury. This new regulation was devised…

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Recent Independent Contractor Classification Rule Changes and What They Mean for Translators and Interpreters

By Next Level | February 19, 2024

Insights from the Advocacy and Business Practices Education Committees of the American Translators Association on the DOL’s final rule on worker classification under the FLSA. Employee or independent contractor? In recent years, many professions that include a high number of independent contractors, the language services industry included, have been rocked by the passage of oftentimes problematic legislation aimed at imposing…

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Resources For You: ATA’s New Model Contract for Translators

By Next Level | February 7, 2024
Resources For You: ATA’s New Model Contract for Translators

I’d like to say I’m fascinated by every aspect of my work as a freelance translator, but it wouldn’t be an honest statement. The translation part of the job is easy to love, but the administration and paperwork? Not so much. Still, we all know we need the paperwork to help us keep track of clients and jobs, bill appropriately,…

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All in One and One in All – Balancing Salaried and Freelance Work

By Next Level | November 15, 2023
All in one and one in all Balancing salaried and freelance work

This post is a reblog, originally published at Tip of the Tongue. It is republished with permission of the author. Many freelancers, including translators, hold two jobs, one salaried with regular hours and one as an independent. The benefits of such a dual existence are clear. However, the relative load is asymmetric and variable, creating stress not only in terms…

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ATA64 Conference Preview: Business Practices Education at ATA64

By Next Level | October 18, 2023

In about a week, ATA’s annual conference will begin, this year in sunny Miami, Florida. As always, attendees will have to choose how to split their time among networking opportunities, social activities, job-hunting, and educational sessions. With so many options and so little time, how do you choose? You could just wander the halls and drop in on any session…

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Understanding Worker Classification: The ABC Test, Misclassification, and Tips for Professionalizing Your Language Services Business

By Next Level | September 20, 2023
Understanding Worker Classification The ABC Test, Misclassification, and Tips for Professionalizing Your Language Services Business

Disclaimer: This post is for educational purposes only. Consult a reputable professional for financial, legal, and tax advice related to your situation. Translators, Interpreters, and Worker Classification: Why Now? Translators and interpreters have existed ever since humans have spoken and written. The first recorded proof of language interpretation dates back to Ancient Egypt in 3000 B.C.E. If translators and interpreters…

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